




名人之夜的隔天,Miss Gibb將評分表逐一發回給孩子們。O少的評分表如下:



Night of the Notable Marking Schedule


Student Name: Oliver Liu

Notable: Qin Shi Huang



Presented in a style/format/medium that reflects the era/position/personality of the notable

Accurate, authentic, contains content that is peculiar/unique to the notable

8 / 10



Contains accurate, informative, and interesting content which SUPPORTS the speech

8 / 10


In presented clearly and accurately with some flair/impact and reflects the

era/personality/position of the notable

8 / 10



The object is neatly presented, soundly constructed and has real impact

10 / 10  

Excellent symbol Oliver

The choice of symbol is convincingly justified and adds to our understanding of the notable

10 / 10



Is authentic to the era/position/style/personality of the notable

Obvious attention to detail and some attempt at personalising the presentation

10 / 10



Content: Comprehensive, relevant, accurate, interesting, thoughts/reflections/statements of

Philosophy authentic to the notable’

14 / 15


Delivery: Very little use of cues, clear, strong, confident speech, authentic language/level of


8 / 10


Evaluation: Strong argument backed up with comprehensive evidence, which convinces the

Audience of the importance of the chosen notable

 13 / 15


FINAL MARK: 89/100

Brilliant effort Oliver



全班最高分是93/100Courtney(裴隆夫人)Anna(英國女皇伊莉莎白一世)同為榜首。和她們以及Damon79/100(Maria說的-我猜她原先可能以為O少成績不好,沒想到O少得分還蠻高)相較,O少得89/100真的很不錯。 另外老師還頒發十項特別的獎項。分別是:



最佳口音獎(Best Accent) – Sally (以美國南方德州口音詮釋Babe)

最佳化粧獎(Best Make-up) – Isabelle (特地將臉塗黑色粉彩扮歐普拉)

最佳服裝獎(Best Costume) – Jane (以床單做出武則天的龍袍並自製頂冠)

最佳驚喜獎(Most Surprising) – Courtney (當晚裝扮令人驚豔)

最佳男性名人獎(Best Male) – Matthew (忽必烈-因為他把筷子叉在頭上當做髮飾,並在腹部塞枕頭充當蒙古壯漢)

最佳喜劇效果獎(Most Funniest) – Ben

最佳投影片獎(Best Powerpoint) – Callum Waters

最佳女性名人獎(Best Female) – Anna

最佳戲劇效果獎(Best Drama) – Oliver (我家寶貝啦)






嚴格來說,這個獎項劉爸比和我也有份。要不是我們從旁協助他做3D立體模型,而且做得很爛,爛到老師以為是O少自己親手做的(有些一看就知道是家長的傑作)。老師感動之餘,給了O少滿分。也還好這個活動屬Year 9 ALP的專利,兩年後DD進Glendowie College時不用做,不然我們可慘囉!



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