CC我要去參加舞會囉!-- 2008年七月攝於紐西蘭Rotorua的Argodome農場入口
Dear Parents and Caregivers,
On Thursday 11th September, Syndicate 1 will be having their School Social. The focus of this social is to practise the many and varied dances the children have learned over the past 6 weeks. It is hosted by the Year 8 pupils.
Time: 7:00-9:00pm
Location: ST. Thomas’s School Hall
Theme: “Summer Beach Party”
Food: Year 7/8 boys to bring a plate of finger food
Drink: Year 7/8 girls to bring a bottle of drink
Dress: We would appreciate it if your child dresses appropriately to the theme (e.g. bright tops, board shorts, leis, shades etc.) …
前一陣子,DD從學校帶回上述通知,原來又是一年一度的social night!今年因為Week 10 的周三/四兩個晚上將舉辦Cultural Festival(這也是學校募款活動之一),所以將該活動提前到Week 8舉行。由於STT將舞蹈(dance)列為PE(體育)課程,並外聘舞蹈教室的專業老師指導學生如何跳舞(如恰恰等),所以總得讓孩子們有機會施展一下。我本來以為DD會沒興趣,沒想到DD說他要參加,並指定雞米花(popcorn chicken)當點心,為娘的我只好遵命囉!還好準備雞米花並不難,但難的是我得在那裡陪上兩個小時。我知道Year 7的導師今晚都會缺席,Room 1的Mr. Baldwin在休假,DD的老師(Room 2) Miss Fewings則請病假(聽說剛開完刀在家休養),所以身為家長兼職員的我看來不去也不行。反正孩子們也需要幫手,乾脆去陪DD,盯一下孩子們的安全,順便多拍幾張照片回來PO上網,讓大家瞧瞧Kiwi孩子的舞會吧!<註一>